Hi, I'm Kayla Bowers. I'm a Tennessee based Mom who who enjoys sharing my experiences with homesteading, gardening, our cabin life, marriage, and authenticity.

Why Date Nights Still Matter After ‘I Do’: Keeping the Love Alive Amidst Real Life

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Hey there! Let’s talk real talk about marriage. We all know life gets nuts, especially with kids running around. But here’s a nugget of wisdom: dating after saying “I do” is like putting gas in your car—it keeps things running smoothly. In this blog, we’re gonna break down why dating still matters and sprinkle in some practical tips for keeping that love vibe alive, even when life’s a rollercoaster.

1. Squeeze in Quality Time:

Look, we get it, time is short. But after the kids hit the hay, sneak in a bit of “us” time. It doesn’t have to be a big deal—maybe just chilling with a movie, playing a game, or just shooting the breeze. Those little moments add up and keep the love flowing.

2. Think Outside the Date Box:

When the kiddos are at school, why not seize the moment for a lunch date or a quick picnic in the park? And if you can swing it, take a random day off together. Doing things a bit differently injects some excitement into your routine.

3. Talk and Grow Together:

Life changes, and so do you. Make it a habit to check in with each other. What’s on your mind? What are your dreams? Growing together is like building a cool fort together—it takes teamwork.

4. Pause and Reflect:

Sometimes, life goes so fast that we forget to press pause. Take a breath and reflect on where you’re at. This self-discovery not only helps you get to know yourself better but also strengthens your bond with your partner.

5. Q&A Game:

Wanna jazz up your convos? Try the question game. Whether you’re face-to-face or texting, throw some interesting questions into the mix. It’s like unlocking bonus levels in a video game, but for your relationship.

6. Tackle Challenges Side by Side:

Life’s not always sunshine and rainbows, and relationships aren’t either. When stuff gets tough, tackle it together. It might be a bit messy, but facing challenges as a team makes you both stronger.

Life’s a wild ride, but taking time to date in your marriage isn’t just a luxury—it’s like watering a plant that blossoms into something beautiful. So, grab those small moments, try out some unconventional dates, and keep exploring each other. Through the ups and downs, putting in the effort to stay connected turns your journey together into a fantastic adventure.

After 15 years of dating and 12 years of marriage, my husband and I have navigated both joyous moments and challenges. It hasn’t always been easy, but together we’ve overcome obstacles—whether supporting him through online college or facing my health struggles in the past two years. We’re committed to continued growth and learning as a team.

The song below I just wanted to add as a reminder to all of us –

With love,

Kayla (Katie Bee)

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